
Freak October Snow Storm

From my journal Home Care Nurse Practitioner - November 1, 2011 Over the weekend twenty inches of heavy wet snow fell in a matter of hours taking down many leaf-covered trees. Nearly a million people lost power including my home and the Veteran's clinic where I worked. Monday morning I put on my down coat,… Continue reading Freak October Snow Storm

Diabetes Nurse, General Nursing

Blizzard of 1978

January 26, 1978, Central Ohio, USA - 10 a.m. My ears perked up as I watched the TV weatherman predict a record-breaking snowstorm with high winds. We usually only get 10-15 inches of snow all winter, so this was unusual. Currently, it's a balmy 50 degree Fahrenheit day. The wind began to pick up, the… Continue reading Blizzard of 1978

Nursing Assistant

One Scary Night – Nursing Assistant

August 1973 - Midwest, USA "When I am afraid, I will trust in Thee" (Psalm 56:3 KJV). Vera, the other nursing assistant, was working with me that night at the nursing home, and we had just finished our lunch at 3 a.m.  We relaxed in the patient lounge for a few minutes to rest our… Continue reading One Scary Night – Nursing Assistant

geriatrics, home care nurse, Nurse Practitioner

Freak October Snow Storm

From my journal Home Care Nurse Practitioner - November 1, 2011 Over the weekend twenty inches of heavy wet snow fell in a matter of hours taking down many leaf-covered trees. Nearly a million people lost power including my home and the Veteran's clinic where I worked. Monday morning I put on my down coat,… Continue reading Freak October Snow Storm